The Headquarters comprises 10 units and 4 divisions under 3 branches to provide specialist services to offices of the department. The services provided by the units and the divisions are described below:
Administration Branch
The Administration Division oversees the personnel, establishment, appointments and other general administrative matters of the department. It also assists in the management of a number of professional and technical grades deployed to various bureaux and departments.
The Accounts and Supplies Division deals with all financial, accounting, stores and supplies matters of the department.
The Unit provides advice on media matters and coordinates publicity activities for the department.
The Unit provides support on the grade management of the two professional grades of Engineer and Geotechnical Engineer.
The Unit administers training and development matters in the department.
Development Branch
The Unit serves as the secretariat of the Engineering and Associated Consultants Selection Board, which approves the selection and appointment of consultants for engineering and associated Government projects.
The Unit monitors and manages various procedural and financial arrangements for projects carried out by the department.
The Unit provides professional advice on planning, environment, housing, transport and other matters, including coordinating views from Development Offices.
Technical Branch
The following are the services provided by Survey Division:
Engineering and Marine Survey Consultancy
Survey Division provides professional advice on and technical support to all kinds of engineering and marine surveys. The Division undertakes survey planning and design; prepares survey specifications and method statements; evaluates survey methods and products and manages survey contracts. -
Site Survey
This is a topographic survey for engineering feasibility study and design, geotechnical study, slope safety and interim records at all stages of civil engineering works. It also includes surveys for areas of special archaeological and scientific interest, and of special engineering requirements. -
Contract Survey
This is carried out in connection with works contracts including the provision of survey controls, checking contractor's surveys, earthwork computation and record surveys. -
Hydrographic and Marine Geophysical Survey
This is carried out to support dredging and reclamation projects; determine filling/ dredging quantities; outline seabed terrain & sub-seabed profiles; locate underwater objects; ensure underkeel clearance of fairways; and check the integrity and performance of coastal infrastructures, including breakwaters, seawalls, etc. -
Monitoring Survey
This is carried out to monitor ground and structure movements as well as ground water levels. It also includes the application of inclinometer, tiltmeter, piezometer and distometer in monitoring. -
Photogrammetric Survey
Survey Division collaborates with the Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section of the Survey and Mapping Office (SMO), Lands Department for both aerial (vertical and oblique) and terrestrial surveys. When necessary, the Division will liaise with SMO in acquiring the necessary photos for engineering planning, earthwork computation, progress monitoring of construction sites and deformation monitoring of breakwaters, rubble mound structure, dangerous sites, etc.
Survey Division also offers photogrammetric surveys for mapping inaccessible or dangerous sites, monitoring rubble mound structures, earthwork computation of quarries, etc. -
Emergency Survey
Survey Division carries out emergency survey e.g. upon collapse of seawalls and breakwaters and forensic landslide investigation during natural disasters arising from major landslides and rockfall incidents. The work includes collection of topographic information, recording the landslide extent, earthwork computation and stability monitoring. -
Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey
Survey Division makes use of laser scanning technology to capture profiles of landslides (including emergency survey), conduct monitoring surveys, measure dip angles and directions of rock joints, conduct image analysis, perform heritage recordings, etc -
Computer Animation
Survey Division produces computer animation for civil engineering projects, which provides better presentation, enables visual impact assessment, facilitates public consultation, etc. Products include flythrough animation, walkthrough animation, slideshows and photomontages, etc. -
GIS Consultancy
Survey Division provides professional advice and technical support to GIS applications in analysis, management and modelling of geographic data. -
Building Information Modelling (BIM) Services
The Survey Division provides BIM modelling services for civil engineering projects, including existing conditions model, as-built model, road alignment design model, etc.
Landscape Division provides professional advice on all landscape matters and also carries out internal audit on contractors' tree risk assessments for our works sites.
The Unit is responsible for promoting and supporting the use of information technology in the department for more effective and efficient operation. The Unit is also responsible for promoting the use of innovation and new technologies in CEDD projects, as well as the collaboration of applied research and development between the universities, government and industry.
The Unit provides/consolidates technical inputs for replying to external parties, administers the implementation of the Integrated Management System, coordinates the updates to technical documents and carries out technical audits on consultancy agreements.
The Unit provides advice on tender procedures and contractual matters and carries out technical audits on contracts administered by the department.
The Unit provides advice on construction safety and environmental matters and monitors the safety and environmental performance of contracts administered by the department.