Tung Chung New Town Extension – Reclamation and Advance Works received Institution of Civil Engineers Awards 2023 - Edmund Hambly Medal, Highly Commended

Date of Award: 13/10/2023

The Institution of Civil Engineers Awards 2023 - Edmund Hambly Medal is awarded to recognise the creative design of an engineering project that contributed to mitigating and adapting to the significant effects of climate change. The Tung Chung New Town Extension – Reclamation and Advance Works showcased a smart, green and resilience to climate city concept such as the implementation of smart site safety system, construction of eco-shoreline and carrying out reclamation through the sustainable development technique, deep cement mixing method.

The contribution of the project team was fully recognized by the industry. We were honoured to receive ICE Awards 2023 - Edmund Hambly Medal, Highly Commended.
