Report No. : GEO Report No. 35

Report Title : Hong Kong Rainfall and Landslides in 1992 (1993), 201 p. plus 2 drgs. (Reprinted, 1995)

Author : P.K.H. Chen


This report presents a review of rainfall and landslides in Hong Kong in 1992 and provides details of the notable landslides. In summary, rainfall during 1992 was very high for two-thirds of the year and the annual rainfall was 21% higher than average. The intense rainfalls in May, June and July were contrasted by the exceptionally dry weather during the four months from August to November. Three Landslide Warnings were issued in 1992, during the heavy rainstorms of 8 May, 13-14 June and 18 July when much of all landslides in the year occurred. There were 641 landslide incidents reported to the GEO District Divisions during the year. There were six injuries and three fatalities as a result of these landslides. 263 squatter huts were evacuated (53 temporarily and 210 permanently), twelve buildings were temporarily evacuated and 181 sections of road pavement and access were blocked. The large number of landslides in 1992, many of which had caused major damage, can be directly related to the exceptionally high and intense rainfall. Many of the landslides occurred as a result of lack of proper maintenance of the slopes.

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5 Drawing No. GCSP 8/12 (639KB)