Report No. : GEO Report No. 61
Report Title : Factual Report on the November 1993 Natural Terrain Landslides in Three Study Areas on Lantau Island (1997), 42 p.
Author : H.N. Wong, Y.M. Chen & K.C. Lam
In the severe rainstorm of 4 and 5 November 1993, which principally affected the western part of Hong Kong, over 800 landslides occurred on the natural terrain on Lantau Island. A systematic study of the natural terrain failures in three selected areas on Lantau was carried out by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, as part of the research and development work on natural terrain landslides in Hong Kong. This report contains factual records, which include sketches, photographs and descriptions, of the thirty-three groups of a total of 56 landslides investigated in the three study areas. Also included in the records is an appraisal of the nature of debris movement, based on the use of a simplified classification. The majority of the landslides were shallow failure involving loose bouldery colluviums. The mobility of the landslide debris varied and was affected by the mechanism of the debris movement. The study has contributed to the improvement of understating of natural terrain landslides in Hong Kong. It has also provided useful information in the development of suitable methodologies for studying landslides on natural terrain. The data given in the report could be used for further research and analysis.