No. Title Date
- Master List of Current GEO Technical Guidance Notes (338KB) 12/2024
1 Technical Guidance Documents (151KB) 2/2024
2 Technical Recommendations Arising from Lessons Learnt from Landslides in 1997 and 1998 (11KB) 5/2010
3 Use of Downhole Geophysical Investigation Methods in Identification of Weak Layers in the Ground (998KB) 7/2004
4 Guidelines on Recognition of Geological Features Hosting, and Associated with, Silt- and Clay-rich Layers Affecting the Stability of Cut Slopes in Volcanic and Granitic Rocks (60KB) 7/2004
5  Geoguide 2-Guide to Site Investigation Updated Appendix B: Sources of Information (Subsumed in Geoguide 2 and hereby cancelled) -
6 Application of Back Analysis Approach to the Design of Slope Preventive or Remedial Works (88KB) 7/2004
7 Fill Slope Recompaction - Investigation, Design and Construction Considerations (152KB) 7/2004
8 Maintenance Requirements for Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures (Subsumed in Geoguide 5 and hereby cancelled) -
9 Updating of GEO Report No. 56: Application of Prescriptive Measures to Slopes and Retaining Walls (Second Edition) (139KB) 11/2009
10 Enhancement of Rock Slope Engineering Practice Based on Findings of Landslide Studies (175KB) 10/2020
11 Enhancing the Reliability and Robustness of Engineered Soil Cut Slopes (225KB) 4/2018
12 The Designated Area of Northshore Lantau (434KMB) 7/2004
13 Guidelines on the Use of Prescriptive Measures for Rock Cut Slopes (4KMB) 11/2009
14 Technical Recommendations for Enhancing the Independent Check of Design and Construction Review of Rock Slope Excavation (32.2MB) -
15 Guidelines for Classification of Consequence-to-Life Category for Slope Features (536KB) 3/2007
16 Recommendations Arising from Review of Notable Landslide Incidents During Slope Works (1981 - 2002) (103KB) 7/2004
17 Prescriptive Soil Nail Design for Concrete and Masonry Retaining Walls (4KB) 11/2009
18 Acceptance of Methods for Quality Control (86KB) 7/2004
19 Installation of Soil Nails and Control of Grouting (Subsumed in Geoguide 7 and General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition), and hereby cancelled) -
20 Updating of GEO Publication No. 1/2000 - Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-engineering for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls (5.9KB) 2/2012
21 Design of Soil Nail Heads (Subsumed in Geoguide 7 and hereby cancelled) -
22 Guidelines on Geomorphological Mapping for Natural Terrain Hazard Studies (2,788KB) 12/2004
23 Good Practice in Design of Steel Soil Nails for Soil Cut Slopes (Subsumed in Geoguide 7 and hereby cancelled) -
24 Site Investigation for Tunnel Works (Subsumed in Geoguide 2 and hereby cancelled) -
25 Geotechnical Risk Management for Tunnel Works 130KB) 8/2009
26 Supplementary Guidelines for Foundation Design in Areas Underlain by Marble and Marble-bearing Rocks (304KB) 1/2022
27 Hydraulic Design of Stepped Channels on Slopes (743KB) 12/2023
28 New Control Framework for Soil Slopes Subjected to Blasting Vibrations (58KB) 5/2010
29 Guidelines on the Assessment of Debris Mobility for Channelised Debris Flows (315KB) 12/2023
30 Updated Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves with Provision for Climate Change for Slope Drainage Design (728KB) 12/2024
31 Design of Soil Nails for Upgrading Loose Fill Slopes (998KB) 10/2011
32 Updating of Geoguide 4 – Guide to Cavern Engineering (Subsumed in Geoguide 4 and hereby cancelled) -
33 Supplementary Technical Guidance on Design of Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers (12KB) 12/2023
34 Guidelines on Assessment of Debris Mobility for Open Hillslope Failures (785KB) 12/2023
35 Detailing of Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers (445KB) 12/2023
36 Guidelines on Enhanced Approach for Natural Terrain Hazard Studies (Subsumed in GEO Report No. 138 and hereby cancelled) -
37 Guidelines on Empirical Design of Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers for Mitigating Natural Terrain Open Hillslope Landslide Hazards (143KB) 12/2024
38 Guidelines on the Assessment of Debris Mobility for Failures within Topographic Depression Catchments (358KB) 12/2023
39 Guidelines for Estimation of Surface Runoff from Natural Terrain Catchments for Drainage Design Purposes (28MB) 12/2013
40 Guidelines on Temporary Drainage Provisions and Precautionary Measures against Severe Rainfall during Site Formation Works and Construction of Reinforced Fill Structures (32KB) 1/2014
41 Amendments to British Standards References in Technical Guidance Documents for Migration to Eurocodes (272KB) 2/2014
42 Supplementary Guidelines on the Use of Eurocodes and UK National Annexes for Structural Design of Slope Works under the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme (81KB) 2/2014
43 Guidelines on Hydraulic Design of U-shaped and Half-round Channels on Slopes (504KB) 6/2014
44 Assessment of Landslide Debris Impact Velocity for Design of Debris-resisting Barriers (541KB) 12/2023
45 Assessment of Design Debris Retention Volume of Debris-resisting Barriers (46KB) 12/2023
46 Supplementary Guidelines on Natural Terrain Hazard Studies for Hillside Pockets (42KB) 3/2016
47 Updates of Design Guidance of Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers (248KB) 12/2023
48 Detailing of Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers (1,237KB) 12/2023
49 Supplementary Guidelines on Precautionary Measures for Mitigating the Risks of Excessive Ground Loss and Sinkhole Formation Associated with Deep Excavations(1,557KB) 11/2023
50 Technical Requirements for Determination of Bulk Excavation Limit in the Mid-levels Scheduled Area(1,048KB) 2/2021
51 Design of Nail Head for Use of Soil Nails in Mitigation of Open Hillslope Landslides(877KB) 12/2020
52 Enhanced Technical Guidance on Design of Rigid Debris-resisting Barriers(682KB) 12/2023
53 Supplementary Guidelines for Foundation Design and Construction(542KB) 1/2023
54 Guidelines on Ground Deformation Control Mechanism for Geotechnical Works (151KB) 1/2024
55 Design of Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers Using Force Approach (96KB) 12/2024
56 Design of Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers Using Energy Approach (137KB) 12/2024
57 Foundation Design of Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers (659KB) 12/2024