
Special Announcement

Infrastructure and Development

Cycle Track Network in the New Territories

Hung Shui Kiu / Ha Tsuen New Development Area

Title Date
Government invites market to submit expressions of interest regarding Smart and Green Mass Transit System in Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen and Yuen Long South New Development Areas 20/12/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and engineering infrastructure works at Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area 30/08/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and engineering infrastructure works at Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area 12/04/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and engineering infrastructure works at Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area 08/03/2024
Sewerage works under Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area and Hung Shui Kiu Effluent Polishing Plant authorised 19/01/2024
Tenders invited for fresh water service reservoir and associated mainlaying works at Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area 29/09/2023
Tenders invited for site formation and engineering infrastructure works at Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area 23/06/2023
Tenders invited for Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area ground investigation works 24/06/2022
Tenders invited for Ground Investigation Works for Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Package A Works for Second Phase Development 18/03/2022
Tenders invited for Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Stage 1 Works - Site Formation and Engineering Infrastructure 1 09/10/2020
Tenders invited for Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Advance Works Phase 2 - Site Formation and Engineering Infrastructure 29/04/2020
Proposed sewerage works for Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Advance Works Phase 2 - Site Formation and Engineering Infrastructure approved 24/01/2020
Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Stage 1 Works authorised 17/01/2020
Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area Advance Works Phase 2 authorised 17/01/2020
Stage 1 public consultation for Feasibility Study on Environmentally Friendly Transport Services in Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area and Adjacent Areas extended 10/12/2019
Feasibility Study on Environmentally Friendly Transport Services in Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area and Adjacent Areas Stage 1 public consultation extended 18/10/2019
Stage 1 Public Consultation for the Feasibility Study on Environmentally Friendly Transport Services in Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area and Adjacent Areas launched 02/10/2019
Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan announced (with photos) 05/09/2016
Acting Secretary for Development's remarks at LegCo's panel meeting on Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study (Chinese only) 22/07/2015
Stage 3 Community Engagement for Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area launched 17/06/2015
LDAC briefed on projects on Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area and Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital's Advanced Medical Centre 09/12/2013
Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's panel meeting on Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study - Preliminary Outline Development Plan and Stage 2 Community Engagement (Chinese only) 22/10/2013
Transcript of remarks by CE (Chinese only) 16/07/2013
Stage 2 Community Engagement of Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study launched 15/07/2013
SDEV speaks to the media 15/07/2013
Stage 1 Community Engagement launched for Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study 19/11/2010

Kai Tak Development

Title Date
Government invites market to submit expressions of interest regarding Smart and Green Mass Transit Systems in Kai Tak and East Kowloon 29/08/2024
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development - Construction of Open Spaces near Kai Tak River 04/08/2023
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development - Stage 5B Infrastructure Works at the Former North Apron Area 28/06/2019
Tenders invited for Kai Tak development - Stage 4 infrastructure at former runway and south apron 28/09/2018
CE officiates at opening of Kai San Road (with photos/video) 16/08/2017
Speech by CE at opening of Kai San Road and Community Planting Day (with photos/video) 16/08/2017
Proposed Kai Tak Development - Road D3 (Metro Park Section) Infrastructure Works gazetted 21/07/2017
Interim public consultation for Detailed Feasibility Study for Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East launched 02/05/2017
Tender period for Kai Tak Development - Stage 3B Infrastructure at Former North Apron Area extended 02/09/2016
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development - Stage 3B Infrastructure at Former North Apron Area 29/07/2016
Pedestrian Street Naming Competition for Grid Neighborhood within Kai Tak Development concludes successfully (with photos) 08/03/2016
Entries invited for Pedestrian Street Naming Competition for Grid Neighbourhood within Kai Tak Development (with photos) 05/01/2016
CEDD signs contract for Stage 2 infrastructure works for developments at southern part of former runway at Kai Tak (with photo) 04/12/2015
CEDD signs contract for infrastructure works for developments at southern part of former runway at Kai Tak (with photo) 20/11/2015
CEDD signs consultancy agreement for detailed feasibility study on Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East (with photo) 20/10/2015
Kai Tak Development creates urban green network (with photos) 03/07/2015
Tender period for Kai Tak Development - Stage 3 Infrastructure Works for Developments at Southern Part of Former Runway extended 26/06/2015
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development Stage 3 Infrastructure Works for Developments at Southern Part of Former Runway 08/05/2015
LCQ5: Traffic situation in East Kowloon 25/02/2015
Design Ideas Competition for Kai Tak River · Kai Tak Development concludes successfully (with photos) 08/01/2015
LCQ6: Ancillary transport facilities for Kai Tak Cruise Terminal 21/11/2014
Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only) - after attending the Award Ceremony of Kai Tak Fantasy International Ideas Competition on Urban Planning and Design 14/11/2014
Prequalification application period for "Kai Tak Development - Stage 2 Infrastructure Works for Developments at Southern Part of Former Runway" project extended 19/09/2014
Proposed works of Route 6 - Trunk Road T2 gazetted 05/09/2014
Tenderers for "Kai Tak Development - Stage 2 Infrastructure Works for Developments at Southern Part of the Former Runway" invited to apply for prequalification 29/08/2014
Launch of Design Ideas Competition for Kai Tak River · Kai Tak Development (with photos) 26/08/2014
Proposed junction upgrades in Kowloon Bay gazetted 22/08/2014
Stage 2 infrastructure works at Kai Tak former runway gazetted 16/05/2014
Stage 3 infrastructure works at Kai Tak former runway gazetted 16/05/2014
LCQ2: Environmentally friendly linkage system in Kowloon East 14/05/2014
Transcript of SDEV's remarks 20/01/2014
Results of Design Ideas Competition for Preservation Corridor for Lung Tsun Stone Bridge Remnants announced (with photos) 17/01/2014
LCQ20: Planning for Kai Tak Development Area 06/11/2013
Stage 2 public consultation for Connecting Kowloon East- Environmentally Friendly Linkage System launched (with photos) 28/10/2013
Launch of design ideas competition for Lung Tsun Stone Bridge Remnants preservation corridor (with photos) 24/09/2013
Kai Tak Development to feature green road network (with photos) 09/08/2013
LCQ10: Development of underground spaces 03/07/2013
KTCT tourism infrastructure ready to receive first cruise liner (with photos) 05/06/2013
LC: SDEV's closing remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Implementing the Kai Tak Planning to dovetail with Kowloon East development " (Chinese only) 21/03/2013
LC: SDEV's opening remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Implementing the Kai Tak Planning to dovetail with Kowloon East development " (Chinese only) 20/03/2013
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development - Stage 4 infrastructure at former north apron area 08/03/2013
Invitation for expressions of interest on Kai Tak Multi-purpose Sports Complex receives encouraging response 01/03/2013
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Development - Stage 3A infrastructure at former north apron area 01/03/2013
Expressions of interest invited for development of Multi-purpose Sports Complex at Kai Tak 18/01/2013
Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only) 17/11/2012
CS on Kai Tak sports complex (with video) 26/10/2012
Transcript of SHA's media session (Chinese only) 25/10/2012
LCQ20: Kai Tak sports complex 24/10/2012
LCQ1: Ancillary transport facilities for new cruise terminal 24/10/2012
SDEV speaks on Kai Tak Development and North East New Territories New Development Areas project (Chinese only) 28/09/2012
Tenders invited for Kai Tak development - reconstruction and upgrading of Kai Tak Nullah project 07/09/2012
President Hu visits Kai Tak Development (with photos/videos) 30/06/2012
Stage 3 Kai Tak North Apron Area Infrastructure Works gazetted 18/05/2012
Public engagement workshops on Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East 14/05/2012
Kai Tak River improvement works to bring refreshing outlook to Kowloon East (with photos) 26/03/2012
Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district" (Chinese only) 15/12/2011
Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district" (Chinese only) 15/12/2011
Urban design enhancements proposed for Kai Tak Development 13/05/2011
Tenders invited for Kai Tak approach channel and Kwun Tong typhoon shelter improvement works (Phase 1) 07/01/2011
Community envisioning workshop to preserve Lung Tsun Stone Bridge remnants 08/06/2010
CEDD awards contract for Kai Tak development infrastructure works 02/09/2009
CEDD awards contract for Kai Tak development infrastructure works (with photo) 28/07/2009
Tenders invited for Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Development work 17/07/2009
Tenders invited for Kai Tak development infrastructure works 30/04/2009
Tenders invited for infrastructure works for Kai Tak Development 17/04/2009

Kwu Tung North / Fanling North New Development Areas

Title Date
Tender period for improvement works of Fanling Highway (Pak Shek Au Portion) and associated works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area extended 29/11/2024
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works at Fanling North New Development Area extended 25/10/2024
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area extended 18/10/2024
Tenders invited for improvement works of Fanling Highway (Pak Shek Au Portion) and associated works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area 27/09/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area 23/08/2024
Tenders invited for improvement and associated works of Tai Tau Leng Roundabout and Po Shek Wu Road at Kwu Tung North New Development Area 26/04/2024
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works at Fanling North New Development Area extended 01/03/2024
Tender period for fresh water and flushing water service reservoirs works for Fanling North New Development Area extended 16/02/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works at Kwu Tung North New Development Area 12/01/2024
Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area Site Formation and Infrastructure Works 05/01/2024
LegCo Members visit Kwu Tung (with photos) 30/06/2020
Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Site Formation and Infrastructure Works 17/04/2020
Tender period extended for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shek Wu San Tsuen North to Lung Yeuk Tau) 28/02/2020
Tender period extended for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shek Wu San Tsuen North to Lung Yeuk Tau) 24/01/2020
Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shek Wu San Tsuen North to Lung Yeuk Tau) 29/11/2019
Tender period extended for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shung Him Tong to Kau Lung Hang) 27/09/2019
Tenders invited for Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Phase 1: Roads and Drains between Kwu Tung North New Development Area and Shek Wu Hui 27/09/2019
Tenders invited for Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Phase 1: Site Formation and Infrastructure Works 21/06/2019
Tenders invited for Kwu Tung North and Fanling North New Development Areas, Phase 1: Development of Long Valley Nature Park 21/06/2019
Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Fanling Bypass Eastern Section (Shung Him Tong to Kau Lung Hang) 14/06/2019
Tenders invited for Fanling North New Development Area, Phase 1: Reprovisioning of North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products 17/05/2019
Tenders invited for site formation for purpose-built complex of residential care homes for elderly in Area 29 of Kwu Tung North New Development Area 11/11/2016
Tenders invited for Kwu Tung North and Fanling North New Development Areas-Advance Works and First Stage Works-Stage 2 Ground Investigation Works 18/03/2016
DEVB launches YouTube videos on NENT NDAs project 26/06/2014
Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session 26/06/2014
Transcript of remarks by CS at media session (with video) 25/06/2014
CE speaks to the media (Chinese only) 17/06/2014
Transcript of SDEV's remarks 14/06/2014
SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only) 10/06/2014
Freezing survey to commence within Fanling North and Kwu Tung North Proposed New Development Areas 16/01/2014
LCQ16: North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study 13/11/2013
SDEV speaks to media (part 2) (Chinese only) 25/10/2013
SDEV speaks to media (Chinese Only) 25/10/2013
LCQ17: Sites in Hong Kong available for development 16/10/2013
ACE endorses the North East New Territories New Development Areas EIA Report 09/09/2013
LDAC briefed on North East New Territories New Development Areas Project and Kai Tak Fantasy 06/08/2013
Transcript of remarks by SDEV 20/07/2013
Opening remarks by SDEV on North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only) 19/07/2013
Opening remarks by SDEV on North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only) 15/07/2013
Speaking note of SDEV announcing the result of the North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study (Chinese only) 04/07/2013
Result of North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study (with video) 04/07/2013
Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only) 19/01/2013
LCQ15: North East New Territories New Development Areas 05/12/2012
Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only) 17/11/2012
LCQ8: North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study 31/10/2012
Remarks by SDEV at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only) 30/10/2012
LCQ2: North East New Territories New Development Areas 24/10/2012
Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study" (Chinese only) 24/10/2012
Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study" (Chinese only) 24/10/2012
SDEV speaks on Kai Tak Development and North East New Territories New Development Areas project (Chinese only) 28/09/2012
LDAC briefed on North East New Territories New Development Areas and Energizing Kowloon East initiatives 27/09/2012
Transcript of SDEV's media session 23/09/2012
SDEV attended NENT NDAs Study Forum 22/09/2012
Opening remarks by SDEV at the forum on North East New Territories New Development Areas Study (Chinese only) 22/09/2012
Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only) 22/09/2012
Transcript of remarks by CS at media session (with video) 20/09/2012
Transcript of SDEV's media session 20/09/2012
NENT NDAs Study Forum moves to lawn at Po Wan Road in Sheung Shui 19/09/2012
SDEV speaks on North East New Territories New Development Areas project (Chinese Only) 17/09/2012
Statement on NENT NDAs Study 02/09/2012
PlanD's and CEDD's response on NENT NDA Study 29/08/2012
NENT NDAs Study Public Engagement activities 28/08/2012
NENT NDAs Study PE3 extended to end of September 23/08/2012
PlanD's and CEDD's response on NENT NDA Study 16/08/2012
LCQ10: North East New Territories New Development Areas 11/07/2012

Lantau Development

Title Date
Lantau Conservation Fund 2023-2024 approves three projects 12/03/2025
Tender period extended for Phase 2 Stage 2 improvement works at Mui Wo 20/01/2023
Tenders invited for contract for improvement works at Mui Wo, Phase 2 Stage 2 25/11/2022
Lantau Conservation Fund 2021-2022 approves 13 projects 30/09/2022
City Gallery exhibition features first-round Lantau Conservation Fund approved projects (with photo) 15/10/2021
Lantau Conservation Fund opens for application 28/12/2020
Sustainable Lantau Blueprint unveiled (with photo/video) 03/06/2017
Logo Design Competition for Development and Conservation of Lantau concluded successfully (with photos) 18/03/2017
Entries invited for Development and Conservation of Lantau Logo Design Competition 07/11/2016
CEDD awards consultancy agreement for Expansion of Mountain Bike Trail Networks in Mui Wo and Chi Ma Wan on South Lantau (with photo) 12/08/2016
Contract for phase 2 stage 1 improvement works at Mui Wo signed 28/07/2016
CEDD signs consultancy agreement for improvement works for mountain bike trail networks in south Lantau (with photo) 19/11/2015
Contract for improvement works at Mui Wo signed 09/07/2014
Transcript of SDEV's remarks 14/06/2014
Transcript of opening remarks by SDEV at media session 14/06/2014
Lantau Development Advisory Committee holds second meeting 14/06/2014
Transcript of SDEV's remarks 08/03/2014
Lantau Development Advisory Committee holds first meeting 08/03/2014
Tenders invited for Phase 1 improvement works at Mui Wo 09/08/2013
LC: SDEV's closing remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing a new North Lantau " (Chinese only) 06/02/2013
LC: SDEV's opening remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing a new North Lantau " (Chinese only) 06/02/2013

Liantang-Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point

Title Date
Cargo clearance facilities at Liantang Port/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point open today (with photos/videos) 26/08/2020
Cargo clearance facilities at Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point to open on August 26 (with photos) 21/08/2020
Permanent Secretary for Development officiates at opening of Heung Yuen Wai Highway (with photos) 24/05/2019
LegCo Public Works Subcommittee visits Heung Yuen Wai Highway (with photos) 21/05/2019
Southbound tube of Lung Shan Tunnel (Tunnel Boring Machine Section) under Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project breaks through (with photos) 01/03/2017
Tender period for traffic control and surveillance system works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point extended 31/12/2015
Tenders invited for traffic control and surveillance system works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 27/11/2015
Tender period for cross-boundary bridge works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point extended 18/09/2015
Tenders invited for cross-boundary bridge works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 14/08/2015
CEDD awards contract for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 12/06/2015
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District and the Loop Development holds meeting (with photos) 14/01/2015
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds 11th (with photos) 19/11/2013
Tenders period for viaduct and tunnel works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project extended 06/09/2013
Tenders invited for viaduct and tunnel works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 05/07/2013
CEDD awards contract for connecting road of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 02/07/2013
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds 10th meeting (with photos) 24/06/2013
CEDD awards contract for site formation works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 28/03/2013
Tender period for road and tunnel works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project further extended 08/02/2013
Tenders invited for site formation and road works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 18/01/2013
CS and Mayor of Shenzhen co-chair Hong Kong/Shenzhen Co-operation Meeting (with photos/videos) 11/01/2013
Tender period for road and tunnel works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project extended 04/01/2013
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds ninth meeting (with photos) 10/12/2012
Tender period for construction of interchange and associated works at Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point further extended 07/12/2012
Tenders invited for road and tunnel works of Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 16/11/2012
Tender period for construction of interchange and associated works for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project extended 09/11/2012
Statement on Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 24/10/2012
Tenders invited for construction of interchange and associated works for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 28/09/2012
Tender period for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project extended 07/09/2012
Tenders invited for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project 27/07/2012
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds eighth meeting (with photos) 07/05/2012
Road works at Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and associated works gazetted 27/04/2012
LCQ7: Reprovisioning Chuk Yuen Village 25/04/2012
Remarks by SDEV at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only) 24/04/2012
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds seventh meeting (with photos) 31/10/2011
SDEV speaks on Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 01/09/2011
Results of International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP Passenger Terminal Building announced (with photos) 01/09/2011
Speech by SDEV on International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Passenger Terminal Building (Chinese only) 01/09/2011
Roving exhibition of finalist entries & public opinion survey for International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Passenger Terminal Building 31/05/2011
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds sixth meeting (with photo) 23/05/2011
CEDD awards consultancy agreement for Liantang-Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (with photo) 29/03/2011
Launch of international design ideas competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point passenger terminal building 21/12/2010
Tenders invited for construction of Resite for Chuk Yuen Village 28/05/2010

New Territories North Development

Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour

Trunk Road T2, Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel and Cross Bay Link

Title Date
Erection of double-arch steel bridge for Cross Bay Link completed (with photos/video) 26/02/2021
Double-arch steel bridge for Cross Bay Link arrives in Hong Kong (with photos/video) 16/02/2021
Sustained enhancement measures against pandemic at Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel works site 10/01/2021
Tender period extended for Free-flow Tolling System in Hong Kong - Development of Backend System 28/08/2020
Tenders invited for Free-flow Tolling System in Hong Kong - Development of Backend System 10/07/2020
Tender for Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel Free-flow Tolling System cancelled 29/11/2019
Tenders invited for Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel Free-flow Tolling System 06/09/2019
Speech by PST at Ground Breaking Ceremony of Cross Bay Link (with photos) (Chinese only) 28/03/2019
Prequalification application period for "Trunk Road T2 and infrastructure works for developments at former south apron" extended 21/09/2018
Tenders invited for Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O - main bridge and associated works 29/12/2017
Speech by STH at Ground Breaking Ceremony of Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel Project (with photos) (Chinese only) 09/12/2016
CEDD signs contract for Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel – main Tunnel and associated works (with photos) 11/07/2016
Tender period for Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel - main tunnel and associated works extended 30/10/2015
Tenders invited for Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel - main tunnel and associated works 14/08/2015
LCQ22: Transport to and from Tseung Kwan O 25/03/2015
LCQ5: Traffic situation in East Kowloon 25/02/2015
LCQ21: Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link 15/05/2013
CEDD to gauge public views on design options for Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O (with photos) 09/03/2010
Design Ideas Invitation Event for Cross Bay Link in Tseung Kwan O ends successfully (with photos) 06/11/2009
Entries open tomorrow for Cross Bay Link design ideas 30/08/2009
Design ideas invited for Cross Bay Link in Tseung Kwan O 20/07/2009

Tung Chung New Town Extension

Title Date
"Love and Reunion" Lantern Festival at Tung Chung Promenade opens tomorrow (with photos) 01/09/2022
SDEV officiates at completion ceremony of Tung Chung East Promenade first phase improvement works and opening of Tung Chung Community Liaison Centre (with photos) 12/11/2021
Tender period extended for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Major Infrastructure Works in Tung Chung East 05/03/2021
Tender period extended for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Major Infrastructure Works in Tung Chung East 11/02/2021
Tenders invited for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Major Infrastructure Works in Tung Chung East 31/12/2020
Proposed sewerage works at Yu Tung Road, Chung Mun Road, Road L29, Road L30 and Shek Mun Kap Road and sewage pumping station in Area 66B, Tung Chung, for Tung Chung New Town Extension approved 23/10/2020
Proposed Tung Chung Road North sewerage works for Tung Chung New Town Extension approved 23/10/2020
Works departments receive UK New Engineering Contract awards (with photos) 17/06/2020
"Reclamation and advance works of Tung Chung New Town Extension launched (with photos/video) 05/02/2018
"Capture and Experience Tung Chung" photo competition concludes successfully (with photos) 03/02/2018
CEDD signs contract for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Reclamation and Advance works (with photos) 10/01/2018
Entries invited for "Capture and Experience Tung Chung" photo competition 25/09/2017
Tender period for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Reclamation and Advance Works extended 18/08/2017
Tenders invited for Tung Chung New Town Extension - Reclamation and Advance Works 30/06/2017
Reclamation works in northeast Tung Chung authorised 24/02/2017
CEDD awards consultancy agreement for Tung Chung New Town Extension (East) (with photo) 16/06/2016
Stage 3 Public Engagement for Tung Chung New Town Extension Study launched 15/08/2014
Lantau Development Advisory Committee holds first meeting 08/03/2014
Transcript of SDEV's remarks 08/03/2014
Stage 2 Public Engagement for Tung Chung New Town Extension Study launched 21/05/2013
LC: SDEV's opening remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing a new North Lantau " (Chinese only) 06/02/2013
LC: SDEV's closing remark at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing a new North Lantau " (Chinese only) 06/02/2013
CEDD's statement on Tung Chung New Town Development Extension Study 18/07/2012
Stage 1 Public Engagement for Tung Chung New Town Extension Study launched 12/06/2012

Other Housing Site Projects

Title Date
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development at three urban squatter areas, Kowloon East extended 08/11/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development at three urban squatter areas, Kowloon East 20/09/2024
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development at A Kung Ngam Village, Eastern, extended 30/08/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development near Chai Wan Swimming Pool 12/07/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works at To Yuen Tung, Tai Po 22/03/2024
Tender period for site formation and infrastructure works at Tsing Yi Road West extended 01/03/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works at Tsing Yi Road West 26/01/2024
Tenders invited for infrastructure works at Kwok Shui Road, Tsuen Wan 12/01/2024
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works at Tin Wah Road, Lau Fau Shan 27/10/2023
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works at Cheung Muk Tau 21/04/2023
Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works near Choi Shun Street, Sheung Shui 31/03/2023
Tender period extended for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Development of ex-Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine Site (Phase 2) 24/02/2023
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Public Housing Developments at Chak On Road South and Pak Tin Extension, Sham Shui Po 17/02/2023
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Development of ex-Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine Site (Phase 2) 20/01/2023
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works near Tan Kwai Tsuen in Yuen Long 30/12/2022
Tenders invited for site formation works at Kwok Shui Road, Tsuen Wan 04/11/2022
Tenders invited for site formation works at Queen's Hill Extension, Fanling 26/08/2022
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works near Tan Kwai Tsuen in Yuen Long 30/06/2022
Tender period extended for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Public Housing Development at ex-Mount Davis Cottage Area in Kennedy Town 17/06/2022
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Public Housing Development at ex-Mount Davis Cottage Area in Kennedy Town 29/04/2022
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works at Area 48, Fanling 29/04/2022
Tender period for infrastructure works for housing sites adjacent to Lung Ping Road at Tai Wo Ping extended 28/03/2013
Tenders invited for infrastructure works for housing sites adjacent to Lung Ping Road at Tai Wo Ping 22/02/2013

Other Projects

Title Date
Construction of new pier at site of Yung Shue O Jetty proposed 13/10/2023
Tenders invited for ground investigation works for development of New Territories North 21/07/2023
Tenders invited for Lift and Pedestrian Walkway System between Pik Wan Road and Lei Yue Mun Road, Yau Tong 12/05/2023
Tenderers invited to apply for prequalification for "Trunk Road T4 and Associated Works 16/12/2022
Tender period extended for Kwun Tong Action Area infrastructure works contract 17/06/2022
Tenders invited for Infrastructure Works for Developments at Kwun Tong Action Area 06/05/2022
Tender period extended for contract for elevated landscaped pedestrian deck near MTR Kwun Tong Station 01/04/2022
Tenders invited for contract for elevated landscaped pedestrian deck near MTR Kwun Tong Station 18/02/2022
Proposed elevated landscaped deck near MTR Kwun Tong Station gazetted 19/03/2021
Tender period extended for remaining works of Infrastructure Works for Tseung Kwan O Stage I Landfill Site 29/11/2019
Tenders invited for remaining works of Infrastructure Works for Tseung Kwan O Stage I Landfill Site 11/10/2019
Tenders invited for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Police Facilities in Kong Nga Po 21/06/2019
Tenders invited for construction of lifts for public walkways on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon under Universal Accessibility Programme 26/02/2016
Stage 1 Community Engagement for Planning and Engineering Study for Tuen Mun Areas 40 and 46 and the Adjoining Areas launched 07/09/2015
New traffic lane at Tai Po Road (Sha Tin Section) of Road T3 project opens 30/07/2015
Tenders invited for construction of lifts for public walkways in New Territories and Islands Districts under Universal Accessibility Programme 24/07/2015
Tenders invited for construction of lifts for public walkways on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon under Universal Accessibility Programme 19/06/2015
LCQ2: Traffic impact of proposed residential development project at Cha Kwo Ling 11/02/2015
LCQ15: Development of Areas 40 and 46 in Tuen Mun 10/12/2014
Tenders invited for construction of lifts for public walkways in New Territories under Universal Accessibility Programme 28/11/2014
Tenders invited for construction of lifts for public walkways on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon under Universal Accessibility Programme 28/11/2014
Stage 2 Community Engagement for Planning and Engineering Study on Future Land Use at Ex-Lamma Quarry Area - Feasibility Study launched 14/03/2014
Tenders invited for dredging works in Kwai Tsing Container Basin and approach channel 12/04/2013
Tenders invited for construction of Yuet Wah Street pedestrian linkage 14/12/2012
Stage 1 Community Engagement launched for Planning and Engineering Study on Future Land Use at Ex-Lamma Quarry Area 07/12/2012
"Weaving New City-Fabric - Noise Mitigation/Retaining Structure Design for Tsuen Wan Bypass" competition concludes successfully (with photos) 29/08/2012
Competition on noise mitigation and retaining structure designs for Tsuen Wan Bypass launched 15/03/2012
Opening of Hung Hom Promenade and Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Extension (with photos) 03/09/2011
"New Links New Kwun Tong Design Ideas Competition" attracts creative entries (with photos) 13/03/2010
Harbourfront promenade opened in Kwun Tong (with photos) 16/01/2010
Accident in Anderson Road Quarry, Sau Mau Ping 22/12/2009
Design ideas competition launches for New Links New Kwun Tong 03/09/2009
CEDD awards contract on widening of Ping Ha Road 27/03/2009

Other Services

Slope Safety

Title Date
Director of Civil Engineering and Development views landslip prevention and mitigation works 23/08/2022
"Remembrance and Reflection: 50 Years after the Tragic Landslides on 18 June 1972" thematic exhibition to open in Tseung Kwan O tomorrow 23/06/2022
Commemorative campaign Remembrance and Reflection: 50 years after the Tragic Landslides on 18 June 1972 launched (with photos) 03/06/2022
GEO urges public to stay vigilant against landslides before wet season 28/03/2022
Exhibition on slope safety to open on August 27 in Ma On Shan 25/08/2021
Public urged to increase vigilance against landslides before wet season (with photos) 30/03/2020
Hong Kong and Sichuan sign MOU on geo-hazard risk management (with photos) 29/05/2019
Emergency landslide inspection service wins Safety Performance Award (with photos) 20/09/2017
GEO holds thematic exhibition to mark 40th anniversary of HK Slope Safety System (with photos) 14/07/2017
Preparation for extreme rainfall recommended by Slope Safety Technical Review Board 25/11/2016
Exhibition on landslide history to be held from Friday 17/01/2016
Exhibition on slope safety to be held from Wednesday (English) 13/12/2015
Sustainable Slope Landscaping Award commends excellent slope landscaping works (with photos) 30/10/2015
"Day Camp for Geotechnical Engineers of Tomorrow 2015 - Exploring Super Volcano!" enhances students' awareness of slope safety (with photos) (English) 18/08/2015
Exhibition on slope safety 14/09/2014
Day Camp for Geotechnical Engineers of Tomorrow improves students' awareness of slope safety (with photo) 05/07/2014
GEO launches "HK Landslides" e-book and "Are you in the Picture?" Campaign (with photos) 20/02/2014
Exhibition on slope safety and long-term strategy for cavern development 15/11/2013
Government endeavours to prevent and mitigate landslips (with photos) 07/07/2013
Hong Kong and Seoul sign MOU on mitigation of landslide hazards (with photos) 28/06/2013
Exhibition and lecture on "When Hillsides Collapse - A Century of Landslides in Hong Kong - Be Prepared for Danger in Times of Peace" (English) 03/05/2013
Exhibition on slope safety and enhanced use of underground space 19/06/2012
Planting Day promotes community involvement in slope greening (with photos) 03/03/2012
LCQ20: Landslip preventive measures programme 15/02/2012
Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition 12/09/2011
Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition 26/07/2011
Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition 22/06/2011
Exhibition on slope safety and maintenance to be held on Sunday 06/05/2011
Fiesta in Victoria Park features slope safety (with photos) 28/11/2010
Government launches new landslip prevention and mitigation programme (with photos) 30/04/2010
