Items | Further Information |
2025 Q1 to 2025 Q4 | PDF (457KB) |
- The Forecast of Invitations to Tender is issued in good faith, but in no way indicates that tenders will be invited for the particular projects listed either at the time stated or at any time, and Government accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or expenses that may be incurred as a result of the publication of the Forecast.
- The Forecast of Invitations to Tender is updated in January, April, July and October of a year.
- Unless otherwise stated, the date given in column 3 is the probable date for gazetting or inviting tenders. Tenders called by invitation, instead by gazettal, are marked with a *.
- Contracts to be proceeded by Design & Build is indicated by (D&B) in column 4.
- To be eligible to tender Contractors must be in the appropriate LIST/CATEGORY/GROUP indicated in the Invitations to Tender.
- Details of the rules for administration of the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works are described in Contractor Management Handbook Revision B.
- The following abbreviations are used in the Forecast:
DEMO - Demolition of Various of Structures GROU - Ground Investigation Field Work LAND - Land, Engineering and Hydrographic Survey Services LANP - Landslip Preventive/Remedial Works to Slopes/Retaining Walls LANS - Landscaping NA - Not Applicable OTHE - Others PILE - Land Piling PQ - Pre-qualification PQT - Pre-qualified Tenderers PW - Port Works RD - Roads and Drainage RT - Restricted Tender SC - Specialist Contractors SF - Site Formation SOIL - Soil and Rock Testing ST - Selective Tendering WW - Waterworks M1 - Up to $100 million (estimated cost) M2 - From $100 million, to $200 million (estimated cost) M3 - From $200 million, to $300 million (estimated cost) M4 - From $300 million, to $400 million (estimated cost) M5 - Exceeding $400 million (estimated cost)