Tender Reference :
Contract No.: ND/2024/04Procuring Department :
Civil Engineering and Development DepartmentSubject :
Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Remaining Phase: Improvement Works of Tai Tau Leng Roundabout and Po Shek Wu Road and Associated WorksDescription :
The works mainly include:-
- widening of Fanling Highway (Tsung Pak Long to Tai Tau Leng Roundabout Portion);
- modification of Tsung Pak Long local road;
- construction of footbridge across Fanling Highway (Tsung Pak Long Portion);
- construction of Po Shek Wu Road Flyover connected to Fanling Highway westbound;
- road improvements at Tai Tau Leng Roundabout and Po Shek Wu Road;
- extension of existing subways no. NS201 and NS201A;
- construction of footbridge and cycle track at Po Shek Wu Road across MTR East Rail Line;
- construction of associated works including water mains, drainage and sewerage works, roadworks, cycle tracks, footpaths, box culverts, junction improvement works, slope works, retaining walls, street furniture, landscaping works, electrical and mechanical works and other ancillary works; and
- implementation of environmental mitigation measures (including noise enclosures, noise barriers and low-noise road surfacing) and environmental monitoring works for the works mentioned above.
The works are scheduled to commence in December 2024 and will take about 67 months to complete.